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Understanding the Tshwane Land Use Management By-law 2016: 

Pretoria, like all South African cities and municipal regions, was required to implement its own land use management by law with the passing of the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act 16 of 2013 (SPLUMA).

The Tshwane Land Use Management By-law (2016) is a key document outlining various regulations and processes for land development applications in Pretoria.


Purpose of the Tshwane Land Use Management By-law 2016 from a Legal Perspective

The purpose of the Tshwane Land Use Management By-law 2016 is to implement “municipal planning” as envisioned in the Republic of South Africa’s 1996 Constitution by laying out and

combining procedures and processes facilitating and organizing land development and land development applications in spatial planning, and a land use scheme within the City of Tshwane’s jurisdiction to provide for the procedures and processes of a Municipal Planning and Appeals Tribunal and to provide for things incidental thereto, in accordance with the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act, 2013 (Act 16 of 2013).


What Topics Does the By-law Cover?

The Tshwane Land Use Management By-law 2016 regulates Land Use Planning within the City of Tshwane. Let’s look at some as examples of what it covers: 


Why does it matter to you? 


Roles and Responsibilities

In terms of the Tshwane Land Use Management By-law 2016, the roles and responsibilities:


Applicant / Town Planner/ property owners’ responsibilities include, to name a few:  

Municipality’s responsibilities include:


Key Points to consider:

Understanding the basics of the Tshwane Land Use Management By-law encourages you to make informed decisions about your property and contribute to the shaping of your neighbourhood area within the City of Pretoria (Tshwane).

Contact Urban Arrow to find out more about the Tshwane Land Use Management By-law 2016

Please note: This is a general guide. Specific requirements and procedures can vary. Always consult with a Qualified and Professional Town Planner for the most up-to-date information.