What is a land use application?
A land development application is an application or combination of applications submitted to a municipality to obtain approval for land development.
There are different types of land-use applications.
A land use application can consist of one or a combination of the following applications:.
- Rezoning;
- consent uses
- permissions, temporary uses, and relaxations in terms of the Land Use Scheme;
- Subdivision
- Consolidation of land;
- Suspension or deletion of restrictive conditions
- Township Establishment
- Extension of township boundaries;
- any other land development application in terms of the Land Use Scheme or National or Provincial Planning and Development Legislation
How long does it take for a land use application to be approved?
- Depending on the type of application and municipal jurisdiction, obtaining approval for a land use application may take as long as nine months or even longer.
- After the application is submitted by the town planner, the land use application is circulated to relevant council departments for comments on the application. The land application is then processed by a municipal planning officer, who makes a recommendation as to whether the application should be approved or not.
- Should objections be received during the public participation process, the timeframe for a decision can cause serious delays in the processing and approval of your land use application. If an agreement cannot be reached between the owner and objectors, a hearing must be held, which can extend the finalization period by 9 months or even longer.
How do I submit a land use application?
The process for submitting a land use application varies for each municipality in South Africa and the requirements in terms of the relevant town planning scheme and land use bylaw. In general, the following steps typically apply:
- Gather information: Before submitting a land use application, you should gather all the necessary information related to your proposed use of the land and any applicable regulations or requirements of the relevant municipality.
- Complete all the application forms and information required. Obtain the appropriate application forms from the relevant planning department responsible for land use planning. The application form will typically require you to provide details such as your name, contact information, and a description of your proposed land use.
- Prepare supporting documents: Depending on the type of land use application, you may be required to submit supporting documents such as maps, plans, surveys, engineering studies, and reports.
- Submit the application: Once you have completed the application form and gathered all the necessary supporting documents, submit the application to the relevant agency or department responsible for land use planning. This may involve submitting the application in person, by email, or online, depending on the relevant municipality and its submission requirements.
- Submission Fees: Many land-use applications require a fee to be paid upon submission. Make sure to include any required payment with your application.
- Council Acknowledgement: The relevant planning department will review your application and supporting documents to ensure they comply with applicable regulations and requirements.
- Commence with public participation. Should the land use application be in order, the public participation process needs to be completed based on the requirements of the relevant municipal by-laws.
- Follow up on application: Make sure to follow up with all the departments for their formal comments and input as required by the relevant Planning Department.
- Receive a decision: Once the review process is complete, you will receive a decision on your land use application. This may be an approval, a refusal, or a request for additional information or modifications to your proposal.
Council requirements and processes can be stringent and complex. It is therefore advised to first consult with a professional town planner to ensure that your application complies with the requirements of the relevant municipal by-laws.
It is also important to take note that certain municipalities in South Africa have strict rules that only allow registered town planners to submit a land use application.
Contact Urban Arrow to assist with your land use application.